Lee Foster
550 Wilson Road Newberry, SC 29108

If you would like more information or would like to request an onsite security review, please contact the COPS Division at cops@ncso.sc.gov or by calling the Newberry County Sheriff's Office at (803) 321-2211.

We have created a set of suggestions and tips for church security. This is a great tool to begin planning security in and around your worship facility. To view the information, click here.

We would also like for you to complete our church security form. This provides us with valuable information about your place of worship in the event of an emergency. A link to that form is below.

COPS - Church Information Form

This form can be viewed in an editable format by downloading it to your computer.

DID YOU KNOW? If you have PDF version of your church floor plan, you can submit it to the Newberry County Sheriff's Office and we can attach it to our 911 mapping system. In the event of an emergency, 911 operators and first responders could see your floor plan to direct help to the proper location. Simply submit the floor plan with your church information form and we will add it to our mapping system.

You can submit the form(s) by email to churchinfo@ncso.sc.gov , in person at the Newberry County Sheriff's Office located at 550 Wilson Road, Newberry, SC 29108, or by U.S. Mail to Newberry County Sheriff's Office P.O. Box 247 Newberry, SC 29108 Attention: Church Information Form.