Lee Foster
550 Wilson Road Newberry, SC 29108

Did you know that the Newberry County Sheriff's Office has presentations on a number of topics that available to citizen groups.  Sheriff Foster and the members of the Newberry County Sheriff's Office can provide speakers for social groups, church groups, community meetings, and a variety of other events.  Presentations include information on scams, community crime watch groups, cell phone use and sexting, church safety and security, Avoid-Deny-Defend training response, and specific information to age groups such as young people and our senior citizens.

If you would like to arrange for some to speak at your meeting or event, please contact the Newberry County Sheriff's Office at (803) 321-2211 or you can email your request to cops@ncso.sc.gov.  Please include the date of the event, the location of the event, and the allotted time frame for the presentation in your email. 

Thank you for allowing us to join you in our efforts to make Newberry County a safe and great place.  Together we can make a difference.