Lee Foster
550 Wilson Road Newberry, SC 29108

The E9·1·1 Administration and 9·1·1 Addressing Division is responsible for maintaining addresses of properties, maintaining the road inventory, providing information for mapping updates, processing information with the telephone companies, post office, emergency services and other government offices, and the continued public education of the 9·1·1 system. Without the information generated from all these sources, the E9·1·1 computer system would not have the necessary data to operate efficiently and ensure the fastest response to the citizens and visitors of the county in times of emergency. The functions of this office directly contributes to the safety and well-being of the responders and the county's residents and visitors.

This office maintains a uniform system of addressing and road naming throughout the rural areas as well as the Towns of Chappells, Little Mountain, Peak, Whitmire and Silverstreet of the county to enable the County’s Enhanced 9·1·1 system to provide the residents and businesses of the county the fastest possible response in and emergency. They also work with the City of Newberry, Towns of Pomaria and Prosperity to ensure all areas of the county have unique, valid addresses and road names. The operational guidelines adopted by ordinance follow the requirements made mandatory by the Chapter 47 of Title 23 of the 1976 S.C. Code of Laws relating to the operation of the E9·1·1 System.


All addresses under this office’s jurisdiction are assigned by standardized procedures set forth by the county to ensure a continuous and uniform addressing system. Each house, building, business, or other occupied structure as well as any other structure that requires utility service must be assigned a separate number. An alphabetical letter must be assigned for any out-building to the former that requires separate utility service. No permits or utility services shall be granted until the owner has procured the official number for the premises.

We use a location system to address based on 1000 addresses within 1 mile with odd numbers on one side of the road and even on the opposite side. These addresses are assigned as determined by the position of the structure and its driveway. Because of this system, there may be large gaps in the numbers between homes or businesses.  This gap allows for future growth in the county.  With this many numbers available, no one's address should change.  The exception to this is when one drive that currently accesses one or two residents, in future, accesses three or more residents.  If this happens, the drive must be named and addresses to all residents will be given on this new road (See below under Road Naming for more information). The road name used for each assigned address is determined by the road from which the house or business is accessed. This is done because the emergency services need the most accessible way to the house or business.

Addresses can be obtained in several ways such as in person, by email or over the phone. The request can be made by the owner or an agent authorized by the owner, i.e. builder, realtor, friend, family, etc. The applicant must have the necessary information to accurately address the property that locates the structure and driveway. The following is the two most beneficial items to contain this information:

  • Newberry County Tax Map ID

  • Plat of lot with structure and driveway marked

PLEASE be aware that we only address property that is to be improved with utilities or structures.

Our primary method for addressing uses digital mapping from WTH called ThinkGIS. This software allows addressing directly into the map. This is the same mapping system used in Communications when 9·1·1 is called as well as all other divisions of the Sheriff’s Office, allowing synchronization throughout all divisions. Also, available for use are subdivisions plats showing multiple lots obtained from the Clerk of Court office, the Planning and Zoning office, or from the owner/developer and a Distance Measuring Device which is an electronic instrument used in the field to gather accurate distances from a moving vehicle.

Once addressed the street numbers are to be posted for dwellings and buildings in three-inch numbers for dwellings or four-inch numbers for businesses. If the structure is located less than 100 feet from the road frontage and is not obstructed from view from the road, street numbers may be posted at a visible location immediately above, on, or at the side of the proper door or the structure in clear view from the street or road from both directions of travel. If the structure is located more than 100 feet from the road frontage or obstructed from view from the road, street numbers must be posted at a visible location near the walk, driveway, or common entrance to the building, upon a gate, fence, post, or other appropriate place so as to clearly be visible from the street or road from both directions of travel. This marker is to be on the same side of the road as the residence or business, not across the street. The property owner or occupant must pay for costs and installation of the number.

The address assigned, by agreement with the United States Postal Service, is used as the mailing address of the home or business for delivery proposes. Delivery of mail is not required by Newberry County’s E9·1·1 service. The US Postal Service governs the placement of the mailbox and its identification. This placement does not dictate the address for the structure.  The directions of the US Postal Service do not overrule the guidelines.

Road Naming

All new road names must be petitioned through this office by signature of the property owners in favor of the proposed name. Before selection of the name, the owner/contact must confirm that said name is not duplicated or similar to an existing street name through this office. The petition must be returned to this office within 30 days and must contain contact information of one individual selected by the property owners to be point of contact to this office. The petition must be accurately completed including a sketch that relates the location of said road.

Wherever a single drive accesses three or more homes, businesses and/or properties, this drive must be named and addressed in the same manner as all other unincorporated areas. All owners accessing their property from this access is allowed to petition for the name of the road. After obtaining verification of acceptance by the E911 Coordinator of the road name, any resident or business that is already residing on this drive must be re-addressed to reflect the newly established named drive.

New road Names will not be allowed if they duplicate existing approved county road names. New road names will not be allowed if they duplicate existing approved municipal road names within common US Postal zip code areas. New road names will not be allowed if they duplicate existing road names within US Postal zip code areas that cross boundaries with neighboring counties. New road names will not duplicate or be confusingly similar, to any name of an existing road or street in an incorporated area within Newberry County.

Any road currently named may be changed by petition to the Newberry County Planning Commission. The Newberry County Planning Commission will provide a listing all property owners along the concerned roadway.  A name change will only be considered in the name approval process only if 75% of the property owners agree by signature on the petition to the proposed name. If two or more persons are listed as owners of the property, then only one signature will be counted toward the majority. Road Name changes are subject to the final approval of the Newberry County Council.

Naming of road does not imply the road will be maintained by Newberry County. Acceptance for County Road Maintenance is subject to the requirements of the Newberry County Road Ordinance.

The Newberry County E911 addressing office is located at 550 Wilson Road within the Newberry County Sheriff's Office.  You can contact that office at (803) 321-2182 or by email at E911@ncso.sc.gov