Lee Foster
550 Wilson Road Newberry, SC 29108

As a service to the citizens of Newberry County, the Newberry County Sheriff's Office provides property checks of citizen's homes if they have been a victim of a crime, while they are away for vacation, or other valid reasons.

Property checks should only be requested for the time you will be away and can not be made for more than a thirty day period. They can be renewed for valid reasons each thirty days.

The property checks are made by patrol officers and are recorded. It is important to note that the checks are made as call volume and other demands for service allow.

To request a property check, you can call the Newberry County Sheriff's Office non-emergency dispatch number and (803) 321-2222 and they will prepare the property check form for your or you can download the property check form to your computer, complete it, and email it to cops@ncso.sc.gov. Forms completed by phone are completed the day of the call, emailed forms will be added to the system the next business day.


This form can be viewed in an editable format by downloading it to your computer.