Lee Foster
550 Wilson Road Newberry, SC 29108

The Public Information Officer is responsible for coordinating with the media to provide the public with information on matters regarding the Newberry County Sheriff's Office and public safety. During significant and breaking news stories, the Public Information Officer prepares and issues press releases as directed by the Sheriff or the NCSO Command Staff. The PIO utilized a relationship with various media resources to ensure that all media outlets have equal and prompt access to accurate information about breaking news.

It is the job of the PIO to build and maintain a positive relationship with the citizens of Newberry County. This job is accomplished by the PIO’s issuing news releases, handling all media inquiries, coordinating community events for the agency, keeping the public informed regarding Sheriff’s Office programs and services, coordinating the agency’s emergency communications, and handling other special projects as directed by the Sheriff or his command staff.

Newberry County PIO partners with CodeRed, a free service that uses texting to mobile phones and email to reach civilians in an effective and timely manner. This free service ensures that the citizens in this community are empowered with the most current information about crime as it relates to their community. It is our belief that citizens can better protect themselves from victimization when they are informed. To subscribe to this service click here.

You can also find us on Facebook. To view our Facebook page, click here.

To contact our Public Information Division, you may email Chief Deputy Wesley Boland wboland@ncso.sc.gov or call the Newberry County Sheriff's Office at (803) 321-2211.